"By adding SAX3D's ultra-dynamic and unparalleled HOPS.® products to our already impressive line of projection screens and interactive technologies, we now truly have a complete portfolio to fulfill virtually any holographic/interactive projection-based project for our clients and distribution network", said Oliver Ferrier and Gino Centofanti, co-founders of vislogix, Inc. at a recent Q&A held at their company headquarters in South Florida.
What is HOPS.®?
HOPS.® (Holographic Optical Projection Screens) are transparent projection screens for large-format reproduction of imagery under daylight or direct spotlight conditions. At the heart of HOPS.® lies a high-resolution optical system which only redirects the light of a projected image to the viewer. All other ambient light is not affected by the light redirection effect of HOPS.®. The result is a transparent, daylight-capable, raster free projection screen of fascinating and unmatched quality. HOPS.® products come in a variety of styles including:
- HOPS.® Glass - HOPS.® Foil embedded in anti-reflective glass with grounded corners
- HOPS.® Glass Touch - HOPS.® Glass and Touch Foil embedded in AR glass
- HOPS.® Foil - Standalone Projection foil that can easily be applied to any transparent surface
- HOPS.® Foil Touch - HOPS.® Foil with embedded Touch Foil for interactivity
- HOPS.® HCD (Home Cinema Display) - Incredibly Vivid Front Projection screen
- HOPS.® Interstand Touch - A complete solution including stand, pc & projector
- HOPS.® Roadshow Touch - A complete solution including stand, pc &projector
- HOPS.® Ancora - A non-interactive projection display including base and glass panel
- HOPS.® Light Redirection - Light Redirection glass panels that allow for amazing glass building facades and artistic expressions in both interior and exterior design.
Want to turn a storefront window into an interactive touchscreen without sacrificing transparency? Perhaps create an incredibly eye catching display for your office lobby or tradeshow? Interested in transforming an entire glass building into a sunlight/spotlight powered mural of unforgettable artistic impression? Or how about creating a transparent entry display where a holographic presenter can react to, and welcome your customers in a highly futuristic fashion? Then look no further because with SAX3D and vislogix the only limitation is your imagination. Below are a few examples of HOPS.® in action.

For more information on Sax3D and to get case studies or pricing for HOPS.® products please contact vislogix at +1 (954) 779-6322 or email us at info@vislogix.com
NOTE: Sax3D will also be featured at our upcoming Infocomm2009 Trade Show exhibit in Orlando this June 17th-19th.
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