Holo-iTouch is the worlds only plug and play ready, all-in-one transparent touchscreen solution that comes complete with every required component right out of the box at an affordable price.

"For vislogix these types of events are great," said Gino Centofanti (Co-Founder of vislogix). "Our transparent and fully interactive projection systems compliment the retail industry well and this is where they (retailers) have an ideal opportunity to experience it firsthand."
Additionally vislogix will be demonstrating Quividi's industry leading audience measurement technology in order to introduce retailers to the future of metrics data capturing, real time inventory management and content triggers that are activated based on gender and other programmable parameters.

vislogix will also have representation on-hand to answer question and perform demos to exhibitors and attendees alike.
About Surf Expo: Surf Expo features more than 2,000 booths of apparel and hardgoods and a full line-up of special events, including fashion shows, annual awards ceremonies, and skate and other boardsport demos. Average buyer and exhibitor turnout exceeds 15,000 attendees including retailers, exhibitors and media per show.
About Quividi: Relying on proprietary image processing technology, Quividi offers an outstanding software solution that can be installed on a wide range of platforms and, most notably, on standard digital signage players. Integration with existing hardware is a key factor for affordability. Quividi's software accurately measures and qualifies the audience of any communication support; real-time data allow the medium to adapt its content to the instantaneous audience profile. (vislogix is a licensed distributor and integrator for Quividi in the United States and surrounding regions)
About Storetech: For over 25 years, Storetech, Inc. has been the ultimate single-source provider for their customers’ retail and restaurant needs. From design to construction, fixturing, merchandising and real estate services, Storetech offers their clients the experience to see their dreams come to life.
For more information visit us at vislogix.com or follow us on twitter @vislogix for live updates from the show.